Disability Insurance | Removing Exclusion Riders
Oct 27, 2014
Jamie Fleischner

Jamie Fleischner

27 Oct, 2014

About a third of applications for individual disability insurance result in exclusions. Typical exclusions include back, neck and exclusions for mental nervous disorders. These exclusions are a result of pre-existing conditions that the applicant had in the previous years leading up to the application.

If your policy is approved with an exclusion, it is important to find out if the exclusion is permanent or can be reconsidered at a future time.

Exclusions that are permanent may never be removed from a policy.

If the company stated they are willing to reconsider an exclusion after a stated period of time, you may be able to apply to remove that exclusion in the future.

When you apply to remove an exclusion, the company will require a new medical underwriting process. This may include a new phone interview and in some situations a new paramedical exam.

If your policy also had any modifications or riders removed, you may be able to request to add the riders back on the policy.

If your medical condition hasn’t changed or not enough time has elapsed, the company may not remove any exclusions.

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Getting the right disability insurance can be downright confusing. At Set For Life, we’ll help you understand the options and work with you to select just the right product for you and your family. These articles will help you understand some of the complexities involved, but we’re happy to walk you through it! If you’re ready to get set, reach out for a quote today!